Tue, 20. Oct 2015
International Conference: The measurement of financial education – Measuring instruments and empirical findings
The Chair of Economics and Economic Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen hosted the third international conference of the Section Financial Education of the German Society of Economic Education on October 15th and 16th, 2015. The focus of this year’s conference was: “The measurement of financial education – Measuring instruments and empirical findings”. This focus continues the discussion of this exceedingly relevant topic, begun in 2014 by the Section, which since has been headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Retzmann. Among the speakers were renowned researchers from both Germany, Luxembourg and Austria. Theytypo3/#_msocom_2 presented the theoretical basis for a discussion of financial education, financial competence or financial literacy, examined various measuring instruments and outlined empirical findings. This highly attractive conference program offered an opportunity for academic exchange, which has been unique to the German speaking scientific community so far.
from left to right: Michelle Rudeloff, Ewald Mittelstädt, Thomas Retzmann, Georg Felser, Susanne Schürkmann, Günther Seeber, Bettina Fuhrmann, Volker Bank, Vera Kirchner, Marius Oleksy, Sarah Hentrich <link file:25953>Conference program ---- The German Society of Economic Education (DeGÖB) traces its roots back to the Federal Working Group on Economic Education (Bundesfachgruppe für ökonomische Bildung), which was founded in 1978. Its aims still are the promotion of scientific development of economic education, the establishment and expansion of economic education in schools and the promotion of teacher training for economic education. Professor Dr. Thomas Retzmann was on the board of the association from 2004 to 2013, chairing it between 2009 and 2013. Since 2014 he is heading the recently established Section Financial Education.