Professional competence of economic education teachers
Professional competence of economic education teachers: Basic principles and findings of an analysis of need for further education
With growing attention for economic issues and connections as well as - particularly – the increasing curricular implementation of economic content at general education schools the significance of a professional teacher training rises, because in lack of teachers with a specific diploma economic education is often taught outside someone’s subject area (and therefore possibly with dissatisfying expert knowledge).
For specially shaping these professional advanced training courses a diagnostic tool is needed which is as standardized as possible and easy to use. Therefore a pilot study was conducted in Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein from 2008-2010. The economic knowledge of secondary level I-teachers and who said in a self-allocation to contribute to economic education has been researched with recourse to the WBT.
While within the USA the professional knowledge of economic education teachers has been researched, this is still a desideratum for Germany: Primary goal of this study was therefore to analyze the applicability of the WBT – which represents a transfer of the American Test of Economic Literacy – for the target group considered. Under the assumption of a target group-specific validity different structure characteristics with varying performance features have been able to be displayed. The results of the study will be published by a publishing house in 2012.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Thomas Retzmann (University of Duisburg-Essen) / Prof. Dr. Volker Bank (TU Chemnitz)
Project staff: Nadja Hoeckesfeld (University of Duisburg-Essen) / Dipl. Hdl. Kathrin Thieme (TU Chemnitz)
Project aim: Development and examination of an instrument for self-evaluation.
Project period: July 2008 until August 2010
More Information can be found here:

- Thomas Retzmann / Volker Bank (2013): Fachkompetenz von Wirtschaftslehrerinnen und -lehrern. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines bedarfsdiagnostischen Instruments. In: ZföB – Zeitschrift für ökonomische Bildung. Heft 1/2013, S. 6-26
- Speech Retzmann in Chicago (2011)
- Speech Bank & Retzmann in Berlin (2011)